Our little Patient...

Emma Grace had some oral surgery today done in the doctor's office. She had a baby tooth without a permanent tooth behind it. This baby tooth just wouldn't come out on its own. So, that got pulled and then a gap had to be closed with a TAD (temporary anchorage device). Basically she now has a screw on the side of her gum. Pretty strange!!! It will stay in until the gap is closed. She has been sooooo nervous for the past few weeks just thinking about it. She was so BRAVE!!! She had to get an IV and everything! First time!!! It was a big deal and she made it through without any problems. :) I had to be at work, but Brett was able to stay home this morning to go with her to the doctor's. She went back to her mom's house for some rest after everything was done. She is only eating soft foods until the soreness is gone.
I made her some "soft" cupcakes and took them over to her after work today. They were pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing. Yum!!
She is going to stay home one more day from school to let her mouth rest, but should be back in action on Monday. She is such a trooper!


  1. Isn't it strange what teeth do. One of my kids had a permanent tooth that wouldn't come up and required two surgeries and a "pulley" to gradually lift it out. Glad Emma Grace is doing well!


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