Meet Caroline Brooke Scullen! much to many pictures to show....

Caroline Brooke Scullen arrived on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 5:33pm. She was just perfect. We came home from the hospital on Wednesday and needless to say....the days have been a bit of a blur ever since! :) Unfortunately, both Brett and I have been really sick with sinus/chest cold nastiness. So, in addition to being a bit sleep deprived we also are totally under the weather...a bummer! I am trying to suffer through it without taking any of the "strong stuff" for meds...

Anyways....things are getting better everyday! She is just so great and I know couldn't imagine our family without her. All 3 of the kids are so great with her...I think she never leaves one of her siblings arms...

She weighed 7 lb 1 oz at birth and we left the hospital at 6 lb 10 oz. We went back for a weigh in yesterday and she know weighs 6 lb 5 oz. The doctors are now concerned that she has lost a little too much. I have been struggling with getting my milk to come in and Miss Caroline has my really small mouth...which doesn't help her latching on issues. We have been seeing a lactation consultant which is helping but we still have some problems. They are needing us to supplement with formula to help get her weight up/ keep from losing more and we are having to bottle feed with the formula mixed with whatever I can pump out. We go back on Monday for a re-weigh and hopefully she will have put on a few ounces. Caroline is so TINY....her mouth is small and the only clothes that fit her are the premie size. I just didn't think I would have such a small baby. She is so precious and we now call her "little bit". We had to go out and get her smaller premie gowns and hats because the newborn size just swallowed her up. We have taken tons of pictures, but here are just a few until I can get more organized and get some more posted.
So Happy New Years....we are going to spend the weekend getting well, plumping Caroline up, getting some sleep and just enjoying being together as a family. What a great start to 2011!


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