Splish Splash I Was Taking A Bath!

Caroline LOVES the bath. We have gotten in a great routine of feeding her around 7 pm, bath time/awake time, and then feeding again at 9:30. Then to sleep. She sleeps so well when we swaddle her tight. Swaddle Designs have the best blankets for that! Lately she has been sleeping from 10pm until around 4am. Then I do a "sleep feed" where I try not to wake her up but will feed her a bottle while she is sleeping and then gently lay her back in the crib. Then I sometimes go back to bed for about 30 minutes, or sometimes just stay up to get ready for work. Whew! She will sleep another 3 hours after that which is great. We are going to drop that nighttime feeding soon and then all will be good in the world - a sleeping baby for 8 or 10 hours. Wahoo!

My new favorite thing is this yellow foam bath mat we found at target. Caroline had been using a "baby bath" in the kitchen sink or the bathtub, but it always seemed so bulky and I could not figure out how to store it so it was out of eyesight...(yes...OCD...) So when I found this I thought we would give it a try. She loves it and then best part was that is was about 5 dollars. Score!

I had to take a vacation day to stay home with Caroline. It seems she has caught her first cold. Boo! Brett and I noticed yesterday that she seemed stopped up and so congested. We had her humidifier on all night and she actually slept really good (from 9 until 3:30). But, she has such the snotty nose day and a cough. I am going to keep a close eye on her. We don't want the dreaded RSV....Brett HAD to be in Atlanta today for some important meetings, so I got to stay home. Luckily, we had 1 extra person at work scheduled for today so it all worked out. Brett and I have been doing a ton of thinking, and we just don't feel great about this daycare thing. We think her daycare is great, clean, and everyone is super nice, BUT we are not sure if daycare is the perfect fit for Caroline and our family.

In God's perfect timing, we got a great lead on a nanny that sounds like she would be a good fit for our family. We know the family she used to be with and everything sounds perfect. We interview her tomorrow and please pray that all goes well. We really need someone here at the house, while Brett and I are working, to help us with everything! Brett is getting really busy with his job, and with my job and its unpredictable hours....we just need someone here to help us "run this place"!!! That would take so much stress off Brett and I, and keep Caroline at home!


  1. Caroline is so adorable : ) I wanted to share with you what the doctor told me 15 some odd years ago when one of my boys kept getting ear infections. He told me that when giving them a bath, either wash their bottoms, rinse and add new water before laying them back in the tub or not to lay them back so the dirty water won't go into their ears. It's been so long ago that I can't remember if it worked but just wanted to add my two cents just in case : )

    Hope you have a great week with lots of sleep!

    Karen in MD

  2. That Caroline is almost smiling after her reading session. Can't wait to see that smile in person. I LOVE the blog. It makes me feel like I am a part of the Scullen Squad, although more than 1,000 miles separate us. Keep up the blogging about all the children, adults and canines. Love each of you.
    Grammy Vay


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