Meet Caroline and Her Friends...

Caroline would like for you to meet her best friends!

Here is a cute video of Caroline talking to her friends. (warning--it is pretty long--5 min-- so only grandparents may make it to the end). Grammy Vay and Kate were the directors!

The entire Scullen clan has been so busy these past couple of weeks. I have been working over 50 hours/week lately and Brett is in his "budget season" at work so he has been also burning the candle at both ends. In fact this is what we usually look like around 9pm each night...

We got Kristin (our great nanny) to stay late one night recently and we were able to rally to head out for a much deserved date night. It was perfect. The weather cooperated and the wine was yummy.

This past weekend we spent Saturday in Montgomery for a baseball tournament for Christopher. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate this time. We had about a 5 hour delay in between games and then the ultimate thunderstorm came and delayed us even more. We actually had to leave early due to a long day with a sweet 3 month old whose patience was running out!!

While we were camping out in the car during the storm we did catch this "Double Rainbow". So cool! We kept quoting the you tube funny!

Here were some pics from the afternoon while we were trying to all keep entertained.

This past Sunday (the 27th) Caroline was THREE months old. I still cannot believe it. I cannot believe how much she has grown, I cannot believe how perfectly she fits into our family, I cannot believe how well (sort of...) I can function on what seems like no sleep, and I cannot believe that I have been back to work for 7 weeks and am still surviving! Whew...what a great 3 months. Just so I can remember later here is what Caroline is up to at 3 months.

*She drinks 4-6 oz of formula every feeding which is about every 3-4 hours during the day.
*Caroline was doing good at just getting up one time during the night to feed and immediately falling back asleep, but this week she is getting up 2 times in the night. She is starving when she wakes up, sucks down her bottle, and falls right asleep. I am hoping this is just another growth spurt, because getting up for work at 5:30am does not mix well with 2 feedings/night!
*She LOVES her jumparoo and will stay in it 30 min or so completely entertained.
*She loves her friends, especially "Mr. Duck". She loves to talk to them while she is in her carseat. Baby babble is so cute!
*We just bought her a Bumpo and she can sit up so well and look around. It is perfect for while mommy is cooking dinner.
*She rarely just cries. It is almost always for a reason and usually we can figure it out. She is a very good baby!
*She is really smiling when she sees us and has the cutest gummy grin!
*Her eyes are a beautiful blue/gray and getting bigger every day.
*Emma Grace, Christopher, and Kate are so great with her. They help me with almost anything!
"What do you mean I am 3 months old?..."

And here are Emma Grace and her dad on the way to church last Sunday...I just thought they looked so cute together!


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