A get well weekend

That was the focus this weekend...it is time for the Scullens to get well!

I got diagnosed with Step Throat last Sunday and finally turned the corner by the end of the week.  Ugh!  I have forgotten how painful that can be!  I stayed home from work Monday and Tuesday to get over the contagious period...but then back to work!  Let's just say I was dragging a bit.

Sweet Caroline finished her last round of antibiotics on Wednesday.  Fast foward 3 short days to Saturday morning...fever...cough...screaming at those ears...double ugh...back to the clinic on Saturday.  Not only did she have such a bad ear infection again (read 5th in a row), she blew through both of her eardrums sometime Saturday, and she also has pink eye.  Poor thing cannot catch a break.  After the pressure change she actually felt better.  We had a rough day on Saturday!  Daddy went out of town Saturday night but came home to a much better girl on Sunday after those meds had time to work.  While we waited for him to arrive home on Sunday we took the pups out for a jaunt in the woods. 

The doggies LOVE it and we have fun too!  Check out the swollen right eye.  Now the prayers are focused on the pink eye just staying with her.  That is the last thing we need running through this family.  So...prayers for health...I am optimistic that this week we will get healthy!!!

p.s.  we have an appt to discuss ear tubes in the near future...stop the ear infection madness!

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.  Proverbs 17:22


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