Front Door Re-Do

Here is what our front door area looked like.... Basically a really old (heavy solid wood!) door that had not been touched for over 20 years. We decided that our home needed some more "curb appeal". We decided to keep the door since it was solid wood and still in decent condition, but just sand and paint it for a fresh look. Here we were in "mid sand"...then we filled in some ridges with putty ( i mean brett did. ha!) This is what Caroline and I were doing in this stage of the game. Giving Dad some great encouragement while cooling off. This is what our house looked like for most of the day on Saturday. Needless to say our AC ran all day! And here is the after.....TA DA! (I blurred the street numbers just for safety's sake. But they are these really cool black "floating" street numbers to the left of the door) We put a new kick plate on, new hardware, painted the old brass light fixture, new door knocker, street numbers, and got some new...