Onion Baby!!!
We made it to 17 weeks! Hooray!! I am feeling great and have no complaints! Brett came to one of my Dr appts on Monday and he got to hear the heartbeat which is so fun! This week the baby is an onion...yum! We scheduled our sonogram for the first week in August and I can't wait. We tackled a major list of projects this past weekend. We didn't get all of them done....but we definitely made some progress. One of them was to "revamp" our screened-in-porch. We decided to stain the boring concrete floor as a starter. We chose a dark brown color. Here is a pic partway through the process. We then put a couple of high gloss sealer coats on it...looking good! We ordered a big "lounging" sofa to go on one half and a dining room table will go on the other. Soon we plan to "mortar wash" the entire outside of the house which is this dark red brick, so that part of the porch will get changed then too. I will post some pictures once the transformat...